There is TOO MUCH information clouding the clear insights and process that small businesses need to cover to get the most out of their website. With cold-calls, tons of questionable sources posting constantly about SEO, it can be really hard to narrow down and pinpoint exactly what is worth doing as the owner of a small business and corrosponding website.
Affordable SEO Consulting For Small Business
MOST small businesses cannot afford, and actually do not need a full-time SEO agency or dedicated in-house marketing person savvy in the ways of leveraging SEO best practices. Your margins are really to small to support a sizable retainer of a freelance consultant to do all the work either. Usually small business owners then try to wear “two hats”, and end up muddling around and wasting a lot of their own time and lost money they could have from an optimized site.
That’s why I’m offering my experience to small business owners with a detailed Small Business Basics consultation for $200. We’ll review your site in a 1:1 meeting (okay to invite other team members who might help with site tasks), detailed keyword research and SEO forecasts that will help guide your on-page optimization, and give you workable processes to generate unique, useful content for your audience that will drive rankings, traffic and revenue from your site.
- Custom Keyword research & forecasts
- 1 hr zoom strategy meeting and site analysis
- Guide on optimizing on-page content
- Guide on optimizing your Google profile
- Guide on generating useful, relevant topical content
Get in touch to schedule your SEO Basics consultation. 714-510-4890